Thursday, January 14, 2010

The journey from Five Star Tnbu

BJP's national base of his own party leaders demigod Nitin Gadkari to learn Nice to join the National Council held in the coming days devoted five Instead of staying in star hotels Tnbu. Of volunteers in the BJP's A Gdkri Zee NO Culture to develop, but today the BJP's National Council Menshamil How many leaders are connected to A NO. In the spotlight falls like T Gandhari whose eyes confusion She also has bandages Tnbu Fun refused return of the honeymoon. Or The back of the BJP will return to T Ta. In fact in the eyes of NO A BJP Atta The base is becoming a concern. Today, more anxious about the fact that A NO How will the BJP again in C Ta. A chief Nitin NO party base to demigod Advocate is to confirm this as the BJP's charge that NO Aoshit A A Has handle. The BJP also wants to see that A is NO discipline in which one server Swynn Is. Thanks to this discipline has grown today and NO A graph of the popularity of Pain and the issue is Bhunati bones. BJP on the issue of bones and the pain could be occupied t Ta. The day the BJP and the issue of pain and bones of left and right Gungan Zi for political gains From that day began to graph the BJP has started falling down. After becoming a demigod of the same things Gdkri A are A who wants NO. The intention Gdkri Five Star's culture is Yagne in spotlight Yonki BJP of India Sign In the last election was far from Ta T Chaundia doing. NO to the next Lok Sabha elections A Vehicle Keep working so as to return to the BJP T Ta. A purpose of NO may I'm not achieve that without Ta S T Ta tu read only by public service when the multiplication table Can be. It all know that Saddam's political goal is that all the Ta tu NO A Even with the simplicity and purity Ta t want to live in the BJP during Saddam falls somewhere Did not see. Bones of the nation's grief and NO A work of imagination to realize a BJP Leaders can not work only one server can do yourself, this NO A major Know very well why the A demigod was created and Gdkri Gdkri saying the same things Are the language of A is NO. To bring the party line Gdkri still very Kt Ms have to.

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